One Shining Goal
As Dan Sullivan teaches, developing your Unique Ability is like peeling an onion. Each week, each month, and each year you’re peeling away one layer at a time; and these outer layers are the things you shouldn’t be doing. Eventually you’ll end up at the core of the onion, which signifies the things you should be doing. This can allow you to have more hours in a day, make more money by working fewer hours, and align yourself with the things you were meant to be doing. For more information on Unique Ability, visit THE GAP Now that you understand the value of working in your area of unique ability, you will see how much easier and smoother the ride can be when you are working in and on things that ignite passion and get bigger checks. In theory, you would never again fall into a funk or feel insecure. Oh, how I wish it were that easy! As much as I hope this was pos- sible, the truth is we all fall into a funk at one point or anoth- er. We all have self-doubt and think we’re not good enough. Most of us relapse, thinking that we’re not living up to our full potential and that we can’t do something. And because I know this to be true, I want to go through an exercise that Dan calls the gap. The gap is the funk that we fall into and the funk that stops us dead in our tracks. And it’s not about if it’s going to happen. It’s about when, and then how fast you can rebound when it does. Did I ever fail? Absolutely! I failed a ton in my life, but the thing I did best was that I failed fast and I had a quick rebound rate. And there is a way that you can strategically get out of your funk quickly and back on track using a tactical process that will become a habit. Let’s face it: We constantly chase an ideal or even more commonly, perfection. We are chasing the perfect finances, perfect body, perfect parent,
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