Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

Attraction and Persuasion

I believe those are great definitions. And that is how I plan on getting you to look at marketing and sales by the time you are done with this chapter. The real issue, however, is that some people don’t want to be labeled a marketer or a salesman. Let me ask you this: Did Martin Luther King Jr. use mar- keting to get people to listen to him? Absolutely! And when they did listen to him, was he trying to sell his ideals? Heck, yes! What if we never received the message he delivered? What if he wasn’t good at attraction and persuasion, and he didn’t move our country in a better direction? What about Mother Te- resa, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson? Were they all gifted marketers and salespeople? If they weren’t, you wouldn’t even know their names or the incredible impact they had on this world. Marketing and selling yourself ethically is what makes the world go round! Or, taking an example from the world of business, do you think Apple or Microsoft don’t use the art of persuasion and attraction every second of every day? They use these disciplines like nobody’s business! You don’t like your iPhone by accident. And here is a truth I’ve come to learn throughout my years. If you want to start a new business or you want to move up the ranks in your company and you’re afraid of selling and market- ing, it means two things: 1) You are not going to succeed at the level you desire, and 2) You are looking at selling and marketing completely wrong. When you know you are the perfect candidate to fill a role, or you have a product or service so amazing that you are doing people a disservice if you don’t get it into their hands, then you should feel obligated to sell it like crazy—or hire someone who is great at this job. And if you’re still nervous about these activ- ities, then maybe you need to sharpen your passion or improve your product or service. The need to sell applies to all areas of your life. Let’s take relationships, for example. If you are single, you want to attract the right person. And once you do, you want to persuade her to go on a date with you, and then a second date, and then, if


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