Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


going to be me regardless of what the outcomes were. So maybe some would consider how I approach business to be too trans- parent, too trustworthy, but now I know that people want to do business with me simply because of that! Who cares if, on occasion, someone takes advantage of me? I remember when I first launched and I opened it up to the world, I was as transparent as possible. I wanted people’s feedback on every video and every post I created. Sometimes I got feedback that wasn’t very pleasant. But at the end of the day I was being the true me, and people appreciated that fact. And by listening to what people had to share, I got better. When I started being completely transparent and speaking from the heart, my company zoomed to the next level. In this book, I’m “speaking” to you from the heart. I get to talk about my family, my personal struggles, my relationships, and my life. I know that in my business relationships and even in my per- sonal relationships, the more transparent I am about my good and bad feelings, the better my relationships become. The more we open up and become ourselves, the more we bond. And that does nothing but help us get to another level. Authenticity and enthusiasm outweigh perfection and structure almost every time. Now think about this concept as it relates to your business. How can you be more transparent in your business and in your career? I’m not talking about being someone who’s always wear- ing their heart on their sleeve or boring everyone by constant- ly talking about their feelings. I’m talking about being honest, open, and authentic with the people of your business. Because you can’t pretend to be someone you’re not or even exaggerate who you are—false hype is just as harmful as being inauthen- tic. Salespeople who rely on hype instead of understanding the customer rarely succeed. As consumers, if we detect hype or BS, we tune out or we just leave, end of story! Transparency is a better strategy every time and in every situation. Whether we’re talking about your business or your personal life, people can see through insincerity and falseness. Authenticity always wins.


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