more employees, a CFO, a personal assistant, salespeople, and a customer service team. And as your company grows and busi- ness is going well, you join the local country club and move into a larger space in a better location. This scenario plays out in all types of businesses. Your law firm began with four clients and now has 100. Your online busi- ness started with 10 buyers a month and now has 500. As a doc- tor you opened your doors and had four patients a week—and now you have four patients an hour. And guess what happens next? Your company or your job is evolving, which means you’re busier, and you have less time in the day. Or your thoughts are increasingly focused on growing your business, rolling out your marketing, or on all the other extracurricular activities that your growth has created. In many instances, you neglect or forget what’s going on in the mind of your current clients; you stop camping out in their thoughts. You stop paying attention to their fears, what they want, and what they need from you. Instead you are focused on processes and systems. And of course you need all of that in a business, but when you don’t camp out in the minds of your cli- ents, they feel disconnected, and you’ve blocked yourself from the highest level of success. And camping out can be used in any area of your life—with your boss, your employees, your parents, your spouse, or even your kids. In terms of this last relationship, I can’t emphasize enough how crucial camping out is—and I’m not talking about going to your local state park. Get to know their lives. I have friends that keep themselves so busy that they miss the chance to bond with their children. And then when they do want to be with their children, they find out they’ve missed their chance because their kids are older or less interested. How do you think it would help your relationship with your kids if you knew all of their friends’ names? What if you knew what goes on at recess, what class they struggle in, what teacher they like, what teacher annoys them, what’s trendy among their age group, or what boyfriend or girlfriend issues they are having?
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