After the “Yes”
long-tail relationships is a core success habit of most supersuc- cessful people.
LEARN WHAT MAKES YOUR PEOPLE TICK If you own your own company and have employees or man- age other people who lack motivation or have poor morale— or they’re not getting their jobs done for any reason—consider spending some time just trying to understand them and their world. They said yes to working for you or their employer. Focus on how they feel, and you can get results that are unimaginable at this point. What if their obstacles and challenges are nothing like you think they are? What are their goals? What do they talk about at lunch? What do they think of you and your man- agement style? What do they talk about when they go home to their spouse? Now let’s flip it around; you said yes to working for another company and want to grow in that environment. Say you’re in a challenging job with a tough boss. Ask yourself these questions: How does your boss feel about her job? Is he really the arro- gant boss who disdains his people, or is he just misunderstood? What are his stresses? What are her worries? What challenges is he facing in his life? How does her boss treat her? You will get a whole new level of understanding if you make the effort to answer these questions. Then use what you’ve learned to let your boss feel understood—communicate that you are part of her solution, not part of her problem. Take the same lessons I shared earlier and camp out in the mind of the person you want to work with and you will see things from a new perspective. Eventually you might come to know them well enough to finish their sentences. The end result is that you understand how to be a part of their solution, not a part of the problem.
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