After the “Yes”
I had created a story in my head about this TV host. I was all worked up, thinking, “This guy doesn’t believe I’m the real deal. Does he think this is a joke?” I became even more nervous and agitated. Then we sat down on the interview set, and he looked at me and said, “Dean, I’m sorry if I’m acting weird. I’m just so intimi- dated by you. You are so good on camera—you’re a damn legend in this arena, and I’ve been a huge fan for years. I’m excited to do this interview. I’m just a little nervous and, unfortunately, getting over the flu.” Now I want you to think about what I did. I was stressed for an hour thinking the TV host snubbed me and didn’t be- lieve in me. I made up all these stories in my mind about how the host thought I was a joke. And I was flat-out wrong! What a waste of mental energy, right? I felt so silly. But at least this story ends well; I went on the air, and spoke from the heart. He did a magnificent job interviewing me, and this infomer- cial became the biggest and best show I’d ever done. It was a monster hit. That show alone sold hundreds of thousands of books, and I got to help families all over America safely invest in real estate. So why that story, and what does it have to do with the after-the-sale secrets to more success? Because, at the time of that story, I was already a seasoned business owner, a millionaire with many great accomplishments. I already lived by the rule of “No assuming.” Nonetheless, I made assumptions that simply weren’t true. So keep reminding yourself of this no-assumption rule, and recognize that if you’re making these types of assumptions, you aren’t as relationship focused as you should be for next-level growth. Think back and ask yourself how many times have you made this same mistake with a business relationship, a spouse, a child, a coworker, a boss, or an employee? Your mind starts chugging like a runaway freight train, and these wild, manu- factured thoughts cause all this extra stress in your life for no reason. Well, if it can happen in your personal life, then it can
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