Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

Chapter 9


“If you actually are paying attention to serving, creating, and doing the things that you want to do, you have no space to listen to that negative story. It fades so far into the background, that it becomes vir- tually nonexistent. If any of us pause long enough, that negative voice comes back in. If we’re not actively engaged in what we’re doing, our attention has no other place to go other than to listen to that voice in our mind that says we suck, that we can’t do it. It’s a really fun and cool game to train yourself to stay engaged, which keeps you taking action, and then the by-product is confidence.”

— Marie Forleo, interview with Dean Graziosi

As your success, income, and responsibility grows, you can’t neglect your happiness. If you are not consciously defending it, it can slip away. I’m going to share with you the 10 Happiness Habits that can make happiness the core of success (rather than success the core of happiness). Yes, you read that correctly: hap- piness leads to success, not the other way around. In our society, we often think that if we’ve got tons of money, are the head of a profitable company, and have a lot of fame as well as fortune, we’re going to be happy.


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