Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


Many times when an entrepreneur starts a business, the original idea doesn’t work. So then the entrepreneur changes course and finds success in a totally unexpected direction. For example, that’s how Twitter was born, almost by accident. Twit- ter was originally started by its cofounders to be a podcast com- pany where you could call a number and create a podcast. It wasn’t even called Twitter. Then, iTunes announced that it was going to make podcasting available on all major Apple devices, and suddenly Odeo (the company now known as Twitter) was screwed! They had brainstorm meeting after brainstorm meet- ing to think of a new direction for the company and eventually came across the idea we all now know as Twitter! And that suc- cess would never have happened if the entrepreneurs had given up because their original concept didn’t pan out. When you’re fixated on “riding the current” to one specif- ic outcome, you become unhappy when things don’t work out. When you’re mired in unhappiness, you’re never going to be successful. Instead, you lose confidence and walk around de- pressed. After I learned this lesson, it changed everything in my life. If I start a business and it starts to go in a direction I didn’t expect, I just ride the current! Maybe this is the direction that will lead me to success! When you let go of a very specific out- come, the heavy weight of expectation comes off your shoul- ders. You will become a different person immediately, and your happiness will skyrocket. HAPPINESS HABIT #6: DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL We were raised to think that failure is bad. But truthfully, failure is the cornerstone of success. I’m looking at a quote on the wall right now by Winston Churchill, and it reads, “The definition of success is going from failure to failure without los- ing your enthusiasm.” When was the last time you embraced failure in your life?


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