Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


Growing up, I had my own issues and craziness with my parents; I sometimes felt I was on my own and didn’t have their support. Without anyone knowing, I held on to grudges for a long time. I dreamed about them, I thought about them, and I allowed them to make me resentful. But all this obsessing did was hold me back from that next level of happiness. Then one day, I just let them go and said, “I wouldn’t be the man I am, I wouldn’t be the father I am, I wouldn’t be the motivator I am had anything happened any other way. Those things happened exactly the way they were supposed to, and I forgive the people involved; grudges gone!” When I let those grudges go, my happiness rose to a new level. Letting go of past grudges was one of the most liberating things I’ve ever done, and I urge you to take a look at your life and find the grudges you can release. If you do, you’ll free your- self to be the best you possible. HAPPINESS HABIT #8: BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT’S IN FRONT OF YOU We all know that being grateful is the cornerstone of hap- piness. It’s one of those things that you have to be consciously aware of daily. You could be struggling, need money, have debt or overdue bills, or be going through a divorce, but there’s al- ways the opportunity to find gratitude for things in our lives. I know life can be like a kick in the teeth sometimes. But gratitude can overcome anything, and the best way to find it is to start by focusing on small things of which you’re apprecia- tive. You can be grateful for a smile from a stranger, a hug from your child, or a look from your spouse. Be grateful for living in a place where you can define yourself as you choose, where you enjoy the freedom to become your best self. Be grateful for the blue sky or the white clouds or the flowers or the green grass. Heck, be grateful for your heart beating and never having to think about it.


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