Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


Here is my promise to you: I have recipes that will help you make tiny shifts in your habits that will in turn make you un- recognizable to yourself down the road. We only need tiny shifts in our millionaire success habits today to be completely differ- ent in the near future and for years to come. When I decided to write this book, I reflected back on my own life and figured out the habits that have gotten me to where I am today. And that’s what you will get in this book. SMALL SHIFTS YIELD BIG RESULTS This book isn’t just based on my personal journey to success. It’s filled with universal principles that will work for anyone. I went on a quest to discover the habits used by billionaires, top athletes, business leaders, and some of the world’s thought leaders—people whom I know through my work. Many of these individuals started at the bottom, in much harder times than we can imagine today. And when I extracted their strategies, and viewed them within the context of my own personal strategies, I identified the tiny shifts that have made the difference in our lives—and will make the biggest impact in your life. That’s what this book is going to deliver. It’s going to show you how to re- place old habits with new ones that will help you make the leap to the next level of success. I’m grateful you picked up this book and have come even this far; please don’t stop now. Most people buy a book because of the title and let it sit on a shelf, hoping that by some magical power the knowledge and action steps will transfer into their brain. I know that you’re busy and that it takes time and will to read a book. But I urge you to make the time and find the will to keep reading. I promise I will do everything in my power to keep it compelling and exciting, but also to deliver the tactical strate- gies to throw away the habits that are not currently serving you and replace them with those that can grow your life, wealth, and joy exponentially. Believe me, I know you may feel like there’s no extra time for you to implement these habits. I know you’re


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