Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!



This is about seeking a spiritual connection or developing a relationship with God or any higher power. You must allow yourself to be a part of something bigger than you are that lifts you to the next level of faith. Explore whatever type of spiritual- ity fits your beliefs and traditions. It could be general spirituali- ty, Zen Buddhism or other organized religions, or your personal relationship with God. When you attach yourself to something bigger than yourself, your happiness is amplified. I know you bought this book to discover the habits that cre- ate wealth and abundance, and I urge you to go for it—make all the money you desire—but I also implore you to take this chap- ter seriously and make happiness the foundation of your life. It will make success come easier and faster in any area where you choose to apply these 10 Happiness Habits. If there’s any chapter that I’d urge you to reread, it’s this one—commit these habits to memory and to heart. I also suggest that you implement each of the 10 habits gradually over the coming months. Maybe focus on one each week for the next 10 weeks. Now go smile!


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