Chapter 10
THE QUICK HACKS TO SUCCESS “The movie Rudy just happened to connect to the fiber of the Amer- ican underdog. The idea of being the underdog is such a powerful, powerful thing. If you’re the underdog, you have that chip on your shoulder, you always work hard, you’ll only accept excellence, you keep striving toward excellence. You’re not going to try to be per- fect—you’re going to try to have a perfect moment, but you’re not going to be perfect. That’s not saying you’re not going to struggle. I think the struggle comes in finding the right people to be around.”
— Rudy Ruettiger, interview with Dean Graziosi
This chapter is going to be like a lightning round on success hacks that you can adjust to fit into your life at a moment’s no- tice. Of course, there are thousands of habits, daily routines, or “hacks” that can help you along your journey to success. These are some of my favorites, and you can incorporate them into your life easily, quickly, and with a far greater impact than you might think.
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