TAKE CREATIVE TIME DAILY We often get into ruts or routines, and we live the same schedule day after day. Sometimes we feel like we’re on a ham- ster wheel or that we’re just running in place on a treadmill. When this happens, your creativity, new ideas, dreams, visions, and inventions don’t get a chance to flourish. Set aside 10 to 30 minutes each day, and just think creative- ly. Don’t respond to e-mail, don’t read over your to-do list, don’t text or look at social media. Just think. I do this after I work out in the morning and before my kids wake up. I focus on what’s next for my life. What should I say in my books? What new idea can I share with people today that will have the most power to transform lives? What’s my next TV show going to be? As you allow yourself to exercise your creativity, you’ll get the juices flowing. I don’t care if you think you’re not creative; you are. If you’re like most people, you don’t give yourself credit for all your innovations. You’ve invented a new relationship, a business, a career, a game you play with your kids, a more effi- cient way of doing your yard work, a character that makes your spouse laugh. Nothing in life comes to us unless we think of it first. Look around you. That lamp, that chair, that painting— somebody thought about them first by being creative, and then those items became reality. If you forget to take creative time every day, you’re not feed- ing part of your soul, and you don’t want it to wither. Sometimes I’ll do a whole day of just being creative, where I spend time finding those things that spark my mind and fire me up and keep me looking forward to that next level of life. All of us have our own definition of creative time. It can be painting, writ- ing, sculpting, inventing, digital design, or 1,000 other things that get your creative juices flowing. Whatever it is, schedule the time and do it daily.
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