The Quick Hacks to Success
OBSERVE OTHER JOBS FOR GRATITUDE What the heck does that mean? I know we spoke about grat- itude earlier, but I want to give you some additional ideas for being aware of it and expressing it. Whether you are expressing thanks for something big or small, you need to find a way to get this feeling out into the world. But sometimes it’s hard, right? You’re busy, you’re doing 10 things at once, and finding grati- tude isn’t always at the top of your mind. So what I do is observe other people’s jobs to create a kind of gratitude consciousness. I don’t care what you do for a living—I know it can get stressful. More than that, it can be overwhelm- ing or it can make you feel like you’re doing something that’s trivial or mundane and that you’re not making a difference. So when I see people hard at work, getting their hands dirty, I men- tally say “Thank you” to them. I send my thoughts of gratitude and appreciation. Here’s an example. I live in Phoenix, and in the summer it gets brutally hot. I was driving around recently and saw five guys working up on a roof in 106-degree heat. So I looked at them and I sent love. I’m not trying to be foo-foo or New Age here, but this is just what I do. I think to myself, “Good for them. Thanks, guys.” They’re taking care of their families, they’re making a house in my neighborhood look better, and at the same time, it reminds me that I’m so grateful for what I get to do for a living. Every day I see hardworking people doing difficult jobs, and I feel gratitude for my life and send that ap- preciation to others. SET GRATITUDE ALARMS Since cell phones can do pretty much everything in life ex- cept go to the bathroom for you, I love using the daily alarm to remind me to stay grateful. This is a cool little trick I learned from my good friend Brendon Burchard. In the craziness of our
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