Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


a great meal with my family no matter the cost. These are my rewards for my hard work, and they make me want to achieve even greater success. So when I say spoil yourself, that’s what I’m talking about. Treat yourself to things that evoke a positive emotion; and if this spending creates a lasting memory at the same time, wonderful. If you stash cash and spend less on things that don’t mean much to you, when it’s time to spoil yourself on the things that really matter, you’ll have the money to do it. Spoiling yourself can empower you, give you glimpses of what could be the norm, and push you harder to implement strategies and make deci- sions to better your life. INVEST IN YOURSELF I truly believe that we die when we stop learning. When it comes to life, we’re either climbing or we’re sliding. If you want to make more money, and have more money in retirement, more time for you, and more freedom, then never stop invest- ing in yourself. Gaining more knowledge will transform your life experiences into wisdom; and wisdom will provide you with the insight and guidance to reach your next level. I currently spend well over $100,000 a year on continued learning, and you reading this far shows me that we are kindred spirits. But please remember what I shared earlier about bad advice. Make sure you are learning from someone who has done what you want to ac- complish on a grander scale. Get a mentor or a coach. Do an internship. Digest knowledge from those who have the path and the plan to the success you desire. DRAW ENERGY FROM YOUR FREQUENT SMILES I am optimistic and I love people; it’s as simple as that. But I know it can be a challenge to maintain this positive, friendly outlook. Sometimes we get so busy and caught up in our own


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