Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


that happens in our life happens for us, and there is a lesson and something good in all of it. If you can create a habit of finding that good sooner rather than later, you’ll change your life.

BOUNCE BACK FAST I’ve been successful for lots of reasons, but my ability to bounce back from setbacks fast is near the top of the list. Why not be the person among your peers, coworkers, or employees that rebounds from failure or overcomes obstacles faster than anyone else? I have self-programmed this habit or “hack” of fast rebounding, and it has paid huge dividends. How long do you linger on things when they go wrong? How long do you play the situation over and over again in your mind? Learn from it, but pick up the pieces and move on with that experience in hand. The people who fail the fastest are the ones who find the solu- tions the quickest. THINK SOLUTION, NOT PROBLEM It’s unfortunate that when something goes wrong, people obsess about why it happened, whose fault it was, and “why me?” Honestly, what good is that thinking in most cases? Yes, learn from it, but train your brain to be solution oriented. Let’s take the simplest example on the planet. What happens when a glass of milk spills? Yes, you can obsess and say, how did that fall, who made it fall, will it stain the floor, will it smell, or think something along the lines of, “Why always me? I’m in a hur- ry and don’t need this.” But someone with a solution-oriented thought process would simply get a towel, pick up the glass, and get a new glass of milk. Use your energy wisely; learn from mis- takes but then move on fast with solutions. Develop a habit that when stuff goes wrong, you immediate- ly ask, “How do I fix it? What steps can I take right now to lessen the damage?” Make it a habit to put all of your energy into the solution, not on why it happened or who’s to blame.


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