Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


not sitting around reading this book right now with five extra hours in your day. But as you’ll see throughout this book, it’s like removing a battery and putting in a new one. I’ve already shared this, but it’s worth repeating: You don’t have to add time to your day to learn new habits; you just have to replace the old habits. To do so, you need to recognize the counterproductive routines you’ve fallen into. Once you acknowledge them, you will see how realistic it is to be able to switch them out. There are a million different paths to success. But with all of those options, I have learned that the fastest path involves one option above all others. When success habits become your new routine, your life can change dramatically. You’ve picked up this book for a reason. Maybe you’re a baby boomer who has been in a job for 30 or 40 years because it was the responsible thing to do, and it’s finally time to reinvent your- self. Maybe years ago someone told you, “Stop being a dreamer and do what’s right. Do what’s secure and safe.” And what you are doing has dampened your enthusiasm for work and life, es- pecially when you know you were meant for so much more. Or maybe the world has made you insecure and you’re stay- ing in a job that has you living day-to-day just hoping some- thing will change. Maybe you have your own business and it’s not doing so great or it’s time to take it to the next level. Or maybe your back is against the wall and money is tight, so you need a new path. It really doesn’t matter who you are or what your situation is. Whether you’re a college student unsure if the world still has the opportunities that your parents had, or you’re someone ready to tap into your full potential and start something new, this book can help you take control of your life. It’s time to stop being the thermometer of life and start being the thermostat. Stop hoping a “break” will magically come. You can create your own break, and do it so much faster than you could ever imagine. But before we get into the “how” of it, I want to share with you the “why now.” Chapter 1


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