The Quick Hacks to Success
ASK HAPPY PEOPLE Every time I see people who are always in a good mood, al- ways smiling, and always find the good in things, I strike up a conversation with them. I’ll say, “What do you do to be happy?” As you might have guessed by this point, I love asking people what makes them happy. Sometimes you get a funny one-liner as an answer, and you just have to chuckle and be on your way. Other times you might get a thoughtful answer that has a last- ing impact on you. When you see happy people, talk to them, and find out what they are doing to stay that way. My wonderful friend John laughs more than any single per- son I know. He owns and runs a multimillion-dollar company, has tons of obligations and pressure, and has three young chil- dren, but he finds the simplest things funny, and his laughter is contagious. So, of course, I asked him what it is that makes him happy. He told me, “I personally think every day how lucky I am to have been born when I was, to live where I live, and to have the family I have.” So as you see, nothing groundbreaking; John doesn’t possess a magic happiness button. He found a way to be happy with a routine of gratitude. GO TO YOUR HAPPY PLACE I touched on this in the happiness habit chapter, but this success habit boils it down to one particular happy place or thought. Sometimes we find ourselves in funks and need quick hacks to set us free from our negative moods and set our minds and souls straight. For me, it’s thinking about being a child and being with my grandmother. She was this warm, comfort- ing light in my life, and when I was with her it felt like a warm hug wrapped around my body. She taught me how to cook Ital- ian food, and I’d sit with her on Sundays for hours while she made the tastiest Italian dishes you could imagine. Things like that are my happy places. So when I need them, I go to them. I urge you to find your happy place and make it a habit that
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