• Feed your daily motivation just like you feed your body. What Josh means by this is that you have to do something every day to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. Here’s how Josh describes his application of this habit: “Sometimes I make my own inspirational audio; sometimes I read. Sometimes I lis- ten to Tony Robbins and other inspirational thought leaders. Every day I feed positive energy and positive information into my brain and remind myself what my goals are . . . Life can get hard sometimes, none of us are immune to that, no matter what level of success you are currently achieving. So we can decide to focus on what’s not going right, or we can get daily moti- vation from any source possible and get our thoughts focused on a better version of ourselves. If you are going to think, it may as well be about why you want more and the positive thoughts about how you will get there.” From afar, I was a witness to how Josh’s changing habits allowed him to not only rebound, but to cre- ate a business and a life that is truly abundant and inspirational. Josh made mistakes, felt he let others down, believed he wasn’t good enough. Is that unlike any feelings you and I have had or are having right now? No, of course not, because we are all so similar. Yet some people choose to stay in that place of de- spair, to keep the same routines and repeat the same patterns day after day, year after year. Unfortunately, life doesn’t one day become amazing by accident. You have to decide it is going to be amazing. Josh is a shin- ing example of someone who knew what he wanted, learned from his mistakes instead of wallowing in them, shifted his habits, and achieved greatness. • Focus with passion on one thing, and only one
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