The Quick Hacks to Success
thing. This is a hack I believe in with all my heart, and I think you will too when you “hear” Josh de- scribe it: “I’m kind of ADD and so I’d start a hundred businesses if I could. So I have rules in place where I can only have one thing, and I can tell if it is run- ning by itself and is a success. I don’t move on to something else, so it’s forced focus (my term for this approach) because entrepreneurs will go all over the place and have a hundred projects and none of them really take off. So, it’s a hard discipline, but you have to have forced focus.” Use Josh’s success hacks, the ones I’ve listed, or modify and create some of your own. These small but impactful habits or hacks can be incorporated into your life starting right now. And like I said earlier, it’s not about adding more time or more habits into your day, it’s about replacing current habits that simply are not empowering your future. If we work on our habits one day at a time, then life will never be the same again.
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