Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

Chapter 11


“I’m going to go out and do it, and show myself that it’s possible, be- cause possibility is very contagious. If you show yourself that something is possible in your life that you once thought was impossible, that’s going to give you confidence throughout your whole entire life. And so every single week, I try to do something that pops into my mind as, ‘Easier said than done,’ or ‘That’s impossible,’ and I go out there and do it. And I show myself that it is possible, so that helps me overcome fear.”

— Trent Shelton

You have been exposed to the success habits of the world’s richest as well as most fulfilled human beings on the planet. Now it’s time for you to reach new heights. You can have ev- erything you’ve dreamed about: wealth, a great job, a terrific business, and incredible relationships. It doesn’t have to be a “wonderful thought” anymore. It can be your reality, and all of it is within reach. So what’s holding you back? Well, if you’re like a lot of people, you read these words, got inspired, started dreaming about what’s possible, and glimpsed where you might go. Maybe you even had a clear and power- ful vision. Your thoughts might have included all the positive things that could happen if you don’t let the villain within sabo- tage you and if you change your story from limiting to limitless.


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