Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

The Challenge

today, and you’ve made some astonishing shifts in your life. Fol- low the process I shared in Chapter 1. Pretend it’s 90 days into the future, and it was just the best 90 days of your entire life. What does that look like? Whom did you say yes to? Whom did you say no to? Did you ask for the raise? Did you quit your job? Did you register your new company’s name, hire your first em- ployee, start the marketing ramp-up for your current company, or hire a CFO? What does the greatest 90 days of your life look like? You can focus on your income or career and you can also project these 90 days into any area of your life. To help give you even more clarity on how to do this sprint, answer the following questions in writing from the perspective of 90 days into the future, looking backward: • What specifically happened during the past 90 days? What has changed in your job, your business, your relationships, and your community? • What success habits have you introduced into your life? What habits did you replace that weren’t serving you well? • How did you get those new success habits into your life? What actions did you take to make things happen? What did you say or do that created this change? • With all of your positive shifts and accomplishments, how do you feel emotionally? Where is your confidence level, your happiness level, and whom do you see when you look in the mirror? • Whom are you spending more time with—or less time? • What is your state of mind like? What are you grateful for? Imagine it is as if you were there in the future looking back. Then use your pen or the keys on your computer to write down the specific actions you need to take to make this imagined sce- nario your reality. Remember, these action steps are only for the next 90 days. They’re not designed to achieve your ultimate goals. They’re just


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