Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


to get you moving in the right direction. So think about what you need to do to get that great job or a promotion or start a new business. What will get you moving in the right direction? Answer that and you’ve given yourself a map and transportation to get to the place you want to be. Here is the linchpin to make this 90-day sprint become your reality. Stop doing so much busywork (tasks that are meaning- less to your goals) and make sure more than 50 percent of your daily activities focus on the action steps to meet your 90-day goals. Yes, it can be that simple. Get off the treadmill and start running up a ladder, as the following example illustrates. FROM THE MACHINE SHOP TO THE PENTHOUSE Matt Larson was a machine-shop worker in his early 20s, struggling with depression. He looked at his fellow workers and spotted a guy in his 70s who was only making about 10 percent more than Matt was earning. For Matt, that was his future. He was a smart guy who worked hard, but he wasn’t making much money. He got one of my books, was inspired, and chose to get in- volved in real estate. Matt did this despite receiving criticism for his choice from friends, family, and his girlfriend, who called him a dreamer and ended up breaking up with him. Like many entrepreneurs, Matt had to go against the grain and follow his gut, despite how overwhelmed he felt when he did so. I met Matt, did some personal mentoring, and taught him exactly what I’m sharing with you in this 90-day sprint. I told Matt that he was looking for too much, too quickly, and that he was in danger of returning to his old routines because he was so overwhelmed. So let’s look at 90 days, I suggested. Let’s pretend it’s 90 days from now, and it was the best 90 days of your life. Looking back, what do you observe? Matt responded that he’d be doing five wholesale real estate deals a month and making $70,000 monthly. He added that he saw himself as being more confident and not feeling insecure.


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