The Challenge
Remember, too, that the habits that may have helped you achieve something at one point in your life may not help you today. The habits that took you out of Egypt are not the habits that’ll take you to the promised land. I hope that my coaching “messes” up your current game the way it messed up my daughter’s. As you start putting your new success habits to work, you’ll see the difference between old and new. At first, these new habits may feel uncomfortable, like an awkward golf swing. But the little bit of discomfort that you ex- perience now can result in the rest of your life being filled with abundance, joy, and wealth. And once you’re on your way, you’ll bring others with you. Malcolm Gladwell wrote the famous line, “You don’t mas- ter anything without putting 10,000 hours in.” This is true mastery! But turn this around and ask: What things have you done wrong for 10 years that you’ve mastered? Maybe you’ve mastered making yourself feel insecure, or feeling regret, or not taking advantage of the opportunities that are in front of you? You’ve mastered the art of playing it safe, of avoiding try- ing something new, of telling others what to do but not listen- ing to their ideas. Whatever limiting habits you’ve mastered, it’s okay. We’ve all done it, but luckily it won’t take you 10 years to make a shift to get rid of them. But it does require action and some grit to go for it. I love Tony Robbins’s quote, “People will overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in five.” I’m not saying it will take five years for change, but imagine the change that can happen in your life when you model those who are achieving at the highest levels. Simply put, you need to start adopting the success habits when you wake up tomorrow! At that moment when you roll out of bed and start the day, start implementing habits so the trajectory of your life can shift, even if it’s just an inch a day. But inches add up, and as you get further down the road and further away from the things that don’t serve you, you draw closer to your purpose and the goals that you desire. Again, this isn’t a magic money machine. You can’t hit a button and money
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