Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

The Challenge

book that will make what you learned stick and jump-start you into action. Oh, and yes, I am ethically bribing you use it as well. Bribes to get you to take action are not beneath me. To help catapult you into your new life, I have created the Better Life Challenge at I designed a specific quick action for you to do each day for 30 days. In just minutes a day, you will start reprogramming your habits effortlessly. Your mental energy and confidence will grow by leaps and bounds daily. You’ll feel empowered, fueled to achieve your 90-day sprint goals, and on course toward the life you once thought was unreachable. This challenge is specifically designed to ease you into it and not make you feel like you are making massive changes or sacrifices. Here are some of the quick challenges you will have during the 30 days: Day 5: Random Act of Kindness: In today’s challenge do a kind act for a stranger. Buy lunch for someone randomly, clean out a garage, carry groceries, help a homeless person, or take five minutes to listen to someone who looks like they need it. Day 15: The Not-to-Do List: By doing things we should not be doing, we are robbing ourselves of the time needed for those projects and efforts that can catapult us to the next level. What are you doing now that should be eliminated? Today we are go- ing to create the top five things you should “not be doing.” Day 17: The True You: If you didn’t feel you would be judged, and had no money concerns and no time concerns, what would you do to create income? What is your dream job or business? What would you love to wake up to every morning and do? Day 20: Courage Day: Today it’s time to be coura- geous and take action toward that “one thing” that you’ve been thinking about doing for years. No more hesitating.


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