processes. At least until now. Listen, I love doing a lot of things. I love learning. I love growing as a human being. I love teach- ing others, and I actually love my business. And most of all, I love spending as much time as possible with my kids. If I’m not productive, these things can’t all happen, so that’s a powerful motivator. So the question you have to ask yourself before be- coming more productive is not “What do I have to gain?” The real question is, “What do I have to lose?” Why not right here, right now, make a commitment to mas- tering productivity so you can get the most out of life? Can you do that? I’m guessing that was a “hell yes” if you are this far along in the book. This book isn’t about entertainment; it’s about you reaching your next level. If you don’t use it that way, then you may as well stop reading. Without action it is just an- other stack of papers on a shelf. So I want you to declare to the universe that you will do what it takes to exponentially grow your income, dramatically improve your health, strengthen your relationships, and live life on your terms! IT IS ALL BLACK AND WHITE So what’s the secret to massive productivity and making that be your reality? It comes down to two words: binary thinking. Binary thinking is like binary code (which is made up of ones and zeros). Binary thinking is the same way. Things are either black or they’re white. It’s a yes or a no. You’re either climbing or you’re sliding. The value of binary thinking is that you get rid of the gray area that lives in between. “I’ll get to it next week” is a gray-area statement. Let’s face it, will waiting until next week move you toward your goals or away? Eliminate middle-of-the-road thinking and speaking. Leave no room for second-guessing. If you’re waiting until next week to start your business, face your fears, or even to implement new habits, then you are moving farther away from your goal. Every minute you wait, your bigger future slips a little farther out of reach.
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