It Has to Be a Heck Yes or a Hell No
For instance, a majority of the people I get to meet in per- son tell me that they’re interested in developing an additional income—maybe a home business, a real estate venture, or an online business. When you apply binary thinking to this goal, you engage in activities that either produce measurable amounts of results to get these side incomes going or you don’t. You ask yourself questions like, “Is this action taking me closer to that side income or taking me away from it?” The answer to that is always clear. There is no gray area and no middle ground. I’m going to help make this easy for you to adopt because it’s vital to your success. So let’s start by practicing binary thinking in a small way. Pick one or two different activities you do on a regular basis that you feel are related to your suc- cess or financial growth. Write them down if you’d like. Then think about them one at a time and ask yourself: Does this activity drain me or does it excite me? Remember, we’re practicing binary thinking so there are no “in between” answers. The answer can’t be “It kind of drains me a little, but I think I should still do it.” You must pick a definitive answer. Does it drain you? Or does it excite you? If the answer is that it’s draining you, then continuing to do that activity will diminish energy, enthusiasm, and excitement and not move you forward toward your goals. When you real- ize what it is costing you, then you can make a fast and clear decision to change a behavior or even stop doing it altogether. I hope this gives you a glimpse of how clear things can get when binary thinking becomes the norm.
To develop this habit of binary thinking, you need to be okay with asking yourself the tough questions. And then be okay with the even harder part—being brutally honest with yourself
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