Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


about your answers. Questions like the ones below could be good examples for you to start with:

• Is this person or relationship moving me forward or backward? • Am I simply busy or does this activity make me mas- sively productive? • Does this activity make me money or is it actually pre- venting me from reaching my next level? Why are these “tough” questions? Let’s take a look at the first one. Think about directing it toward someone who is really close to you. That could be a scary and tough question to answer honestly. Let’s say a close friend perceives himself as a realist and thinks you’re a hopeless dreamer. He may tell you to stop reading all those self-help books or criticize any desires you have for your own thriving business. Maybe every time you are with him you leave discouraged and questioning your own value and capabilities. So here is that tough question from before: “Is this person or relationship moving me forward or backward?” The answer is clear that this person is moving you backward and not to- ward your goals. At the end of the day, we are the sum total of the people we let influence us. You could say, “Well, he’s been my friend a long time and that’s how he is.” And I get that! But you’re reading this book because you want the habits for success and productivity that have shaped some of the most successful people on this planet. And letting that person influence you neg- atively is the complete opposite of what you need to climb faster in the direction of your next level. That’s why these are tough questions. Because you must be honest if you want to break free. Before you start getting nervous about ending a bunch of relationships, here’s some good news. I’m not telling you to di- vorce a spouse or stop talking to siblings, parents, and friends. What I am telling you is that you can’t give them your ener- gy; you can’t let them suck it out of you with their misguided


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