Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


campaign, or maybe even go deeper on that invention you have been thinking about for years? You probably do a lot of stuff that makes you feel like you’re active and engaged—and this can absolutely foster the illusion of productivity. But if the stuff you’re doing is not making money or creating the foundation to make that happen—if that’s one of your goals—then to be blunt, you’re just fooling yourself. You must ask that tough question. Is this activity making me more money or is it not? You must increase your money-making activities and decrease the busywork that doesn’t make you a dime. I see people all the time who are excited that they’ve started their own business, yet months and even years can go by without them making any real profits. Why? One main thing is they are not asking themselves this tough question. They’re focusing on the “hustle” and not the outcome. They spend hours posting on social media to “make their brand look good.” They post funny quotes, they make cool videos, and they get more followers. But they never actually do the things that produce income. If they asked themselves that tough binary question, they would realize they need to spend more time on the moneymakers like marketing and sales. So here’s what I want you to do. Commit to asking your- self these tough binary questions. Commit to being honest with yourself about the answers and to becoming massively produc- tive rather than busy. This is fundamental to obtaining the life you want, the income, the joy and the happiness. Keep in mind the “big why” that I hope you discovered during the seven levels deep exercise. Compound those emo- tions and desires by always remembering “where you want to go.” Whether you want more money, more freedom, more control of your time, or to help others in your life, plant that picture firmly in your mind. Then get to asking those tough binary questions; answer with a yes or no and watch your pro- ductivity start to soar. One quote that always inspires me to stay on track—as I said earlier—is this: “You’re either climbing or you’re sliding.”


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