Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

It Has to Be a Heck Yes or a Hell No

Let’s go a little deeper and apply the principle of binary thinking not only to your actions, but also to your thoughts. Imagine asking yourself, “Am I free or am I enslaved?” Does that seem extreme? Maybe, but it allows you the ability to make a powerful point that will stick. For every thought you have, ask yourself if it makes you free or keeps you trapped. Yes, it takes discipline. I’ve shown you throughout this book that you have to be able to cultivate discipline to stay in control of your life. And it’s not hard to do it if you stop listening to your own BS. For instance, let’s say I decide to stop making offers on houses I want to buy because I convince myself that not a sin- gle good deal remains because the media, friends, and other investors are telling me so. In this case, I would literally be not taking action on something solely based on other people’s opinions that have converted my thoughts. Those thoughts enslave me because I’m not in control—not to mention that I’m not making the money I’d like to make. The truth is, as I write this book, there are more deals being bought and sold now than any other time in history. But we can so easily sell ourselves on these lies we hear from other people; and if we do, our thinking gets fragmented and then our discipline goes out the window. Believe me, I know how hard it is to change our habits, to change the way we think. But every time the voice in my head tells me, “Do it later,” I fight back by ignoring my thoughts com- pletely and immediately taking action—no matter how painful or uncomfortable it may be. And every time I do so, I find myself reaching a whole next level of life. So why not start implementing these habits the second you put down this book, no matter how inconvenient a time it may be? You know the areas of your life that need help the most. Start there and ignore the thoughts begging you to wait un- til “later,” and decide to take action today. Because in the end they’re nothing more than that: thoughts. The discomfort will fade, but the habits will stick. And those habits will take you


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