from where you are to where you want to go—faster than you can possibly imagine. To add a little more urgency to this way of thinking, let me ask you how fast the last five years of your life went by. If you’re like me you may be thinking, “Damn, that went fast,” and heck yes, it did. So there is no better time than now to get started. Don’t say to yourself, “I’ll practice that habit of Dean’s tomor- row, next week, or next month.” No. As they say, there’s no time like the present. As busy and as stressed as you may be, you have to start working on you now . In fact, the more complex your life is, the more you need these changes, and you need them fast. Face this challenge head-on; don’t allow it to be the habit that “could have” changed your life. PRODUCTIVITY HABIT #2: ARE YOU IN CONTROL? When we discipline ourselves, we are controlled by no one. This is why cultivating discipline is so important. Let’s say you’re starting a consulting firm to help companies market through social media. If so, as we talked about earlier, the only thing you need to focus on when starting out is marketing and selling your new service. So do your best to schedule your day around those two things. Then stick to the schedule at all costs. Create strict deadlines for the things you know need to be done. What you shouldn’t do is stray into the area of negative talk and distraction. Let’s say you ask seven friends about the types of businesses that “they think” could benefit the most from your social media marketing service. The truth is you’ll probably re- ceive seven different opinions. This isn’t being disciplined at all! Instead, you’re fragmenting your attention and activity causing procrastination and eventually hitting a standstill. Have you ever been in a relationship and decided you wanted to end it because it was no longer fulfilling your soul or heart? But before you stopped seeing that person, you asked 10 people about their thoughts on the matter and half said end it and the other half said you have to commit no matter what?
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