It Has to Be a Heck Yes or a Hell No
Then you ended up doing nothing but staying in a relationship that no longer fulfilled you. You lacked the discipline to take action because of confusion and the distraction placed on you by other people! Let’s go a little deeper into the concept of discipline—it’s not that scary when broken down. Imagine going to the gym, sitting on a bench surrounded by exercise equipment, and saying to yourself, “I want to be in shape.” But instead of hopping up and doing something, you simply stare at others wondering what’s the best workout routine for you. Then you decide to check a few e-mails and scroll through your music thinking about what you should listen to. Then maybe you go grab a bottle of some sports drink and start reading the ingredients. And then all of a sudden you look up and it’s time to leave. As you walk out you think, “I’ll get to it next time!” Compare that to another person at the gym who showed up, put earbuds in, hit Play on the mu- sic, and got after it by doing a great exercise routine. If you took a step back and seriously looked at that person, you would recognize that he or she has great discipline. And even more, when you realize how integral discipline is to sustained success, you will feel urged to adopt more of those principles. Let’s be honest: for most people, “discipline” is a scary word. Heck, that word always used to scare me. But I was looking at it wrong. We may think it will take all the fun out of life, but in fact, it’s just the opposite. Discipline is simply creating a habit out of an action that will get us where we want to go. David Kekich wrote in his Kekich Credos, “Living life the hard way is easy and living life the easy way is hard.” Think about that one. It’s hard to get up early, practice gratitude, drink something healthy, and go to the gym every day. But the result makes living life so much easier—health, energy, stamina, and fewer doctor visits. It’s much easier to get up late, scarf down a donut, turn on the negative news rather than practice gratitude, drink a coffee for energy, and head off to work with no exercise. But later in life when your health is an issue or you hate the fact that you’re overweight, you realize that creating and sustaining
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