Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

It Has to Be a Heck Yes or a Hell No

things that can move the needle, and disciplined to make it hap- pen when you say you will. Here are a few more tips for imposing discipline on yourself. First, pay close attention to the people with whom you associ- ate. Tony Robbins has said that you’re the average of the five people you hang around most. If those five people energize you, challenge you, and inspire you, they’ll hold you accountable for getting things done. And of course, the wrong people will help produce the complete opposite results. Second, lay out your day. Don’t just hope you’ll have a good day. Create a schedule that imposes discipline on what you do and when you do it. The greatest minds and most successful people in history almost always plan tomorrow, today. Third, focus your thoughts. What you think is who you be- come. If you tell yourself, “I’m never going to do this,” then you won’t. If you tell yourself, “This is going to be a little tough, but I’m going to make this happen,” then you will. Google other people who have done what you’re attempting to do and read their success stories. Take advantage of what you learn from these stories to refocus your thinking on solutions and success. Fourth, take action and get results. I know I’ve said this be- fore, but I’ve seen so many people who talk about all the great things they’re going to do but never do it. So make it happen. B follows A, day follows night, results follow action (and keep reading—there’s more about taking action later in this section). Put all this together and you have a disciplined, conscious way to get what you want most. You surround yourself with the right people. You schedule your day to get things done. You focus, and you have the right thoughts. Even when the bad thoughts intrude, acknowledge them and say, “No, I’m not play- ing with that thought anymore. It doesn’t serve me well.” Switch to thinking about positive driven thoughts and remaining fo- cused on success. That will lead you to action, which leads you to the results you’re looking for.



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