How much time do you need to spend putting these produc- tivity habits into practice? You might see this as requiring a huge investment of time, or you might think that if you adopt my hab- its, you can put in a few hours a week and magic will happen. The fact of the matter is that time and effort are bendable and results are less about minutes passing by and more about the level of commitment to that time allocated. Let’s get real about time. When most people are working, they usually can do no more than two hours straight before their attention be- comes fragmented and they start to mentally wander. There are exceptions when inspiration is at high levels—when you look at the clock and say to yourself, “I can’t believe it’s already eleven. Where did the morning go?” You’re so focused that the hours are zipping by. But many of us spend our days dabbling with- out even paying attention to it. For example, you know you’re dabbling rather than working at a high level when you look at the clock more than once and say to yourself, “I can’t believe it’s only eleven; is this day never going to end?” So do your best to get in the habit of doing two-hour sprints rather than daylong slogs. Put all your energy and enthusiasm into those two hours. If you find yourself drained after working this intensely, take a break. Go for a walk, stretch, get some tea, et cetera. Recognize that putting in more than five hours of real productive work in a day is not sustainable. Now, what do I mean by that? You’re thinking, “Dean, I work way more than five hours a day.” But I’m talking about pro- ductive work. Not busywork. Not personal stuff but rather head- down, powering-through-your-to-do-list work. And right now your goal should be very productive two-hour sprints. Then, you can build your stamina to an ideal of five hours of productive work daily. If you can do that, no one will touch you. You’ll take your productivity to a whole new level. Here’s a secret weapon you can use to create even more momentum in your life. Just realize there are basically three types of days you can have. The first type is the one you dread, a day in which you feel insecure and afraid to take on any project: “Man, I hope this doesn’t go wrong. What if my idea
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