Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

It Has to Be a Heck Yes or a Hell No

doesn’t work? What if everyone hates it?” This “what-if” think- ing sends your brain into panic mode and ties your stomach in knots. Nothing creative or groundbreaking comes from days like this. The second type of day is uneventful, pretty much routine, and that’s neither good nor bad. If someone asks you how the day went, you may respond, “It was okay.” Who wants a life that’s “okay”? Who wants a status quo life? Who wants to fall into a routine where nothing memorable happens? When you experience the third type of day, though, it is magical. You’re on fire. You’re courageous. You’re confident. You take control rather than let events control you. Your enthusiasm is contagious. If someone comes to you with bad news, you say, “Okay, we got this.” That’s because your mind-set is solution ori- ented. Instead of denying there’s a problem or procrastinating, you tackle it head-on and then back to the task at hand. Make a conscious decision to have more of the third type of days. And don’t think for a second that you’re incapable of having them. People aren’t born energized and enthusiastic—I know I wasn’t. You have the ability to create it using the tools and habits that have been shared throughout this entire book. So make this can-do, I-will-control-it mind-set yours. Recognize why you want to achieve great things and use that to power your way through all the things that get in your way. Another secret weapon in your fight for productivity is cre- ating systems. I have a system when I sit down to write a new book that breaks it down in tiny bite-size pieces so I don’t get overwhelmed. I have a system that helps me find real estate deals that are not for sale to the public yet. I have a system for a morning routine, how I exercise, and heck, even how I eat healthy. Yes, they took me a little time to figure out and create, but once I did, overthinking and procrastination went away. I could just follow the system. In any successful business there are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). What these do for com- panies and can do for you is take away the guessing and allow


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