the proven system to create faster results and more effective ac- tion consistently. I also have a system to increase my productivity in all the work I do. Writing my to-do list at the start of the day is part of this system. I also write down my ideas about what I want to communicate or accomplish later in the day. Having these idea reminders makes the day feel much less overwhelming, and it ensures I address the things that are important for me to achieve. It’s time to develop your own systems and use them as your blueprints for higher achievement. The third secret weapon is proactive planning. This is a fan- cy way of saying “spend more time thinking out the plan than actually working on the plan.” Many times, people slave over creating business plans, but they don’t realize they are lacking the pre-planning vision and creativity. If, however, you start that plan by taking notes and letting your subconscious be your guide, you’ll create a far better plan faster. Let all those thoughts that pop up when you’re taking a shower or just before you go to sleep flow out. Jot them down on a piece of paper. You’ll discov- er some amazing concepts this way. For example, I had a tight deadline to create a new training program. I laid it out and completed all the slides in one day— an activity that could easily have taken a week or longer. How was it possible to get it done in a day? Because I planned ahead by thinking through it, then writing notes to myself about what I wanted to be in that training, and I drew from all those ideas. I visualized in advance what I was going to do in the first train- ing, second training, and third training. I let my subconscious take control, which means I trusted my gut. When we’re kids, we’re good at relying on our instincts. School, society, and other factors cause us to become less reliant on instinct. But here’s the truth: Your gut knows what your head might not. Trust it. Let it form the plan through your thoughts and notes, so when it’s time for execution, you’ve got the steps you want to take mapped out in rough form. Knowing what you need to do, in what order, and then mak- ing notes about implementing it helps you figure out what not
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