I couldn’t succeed at real estate because I didn’t understand all the terms people were using. However, I did 500 real estate deals before I understood many of those terms! For quite a while, I felt inferior because I was so focused on getting good at something that I truly hated and really didn’t matter. There are great car salespeople who don’t understand the first thing about engines yet they are still crushing it! So why would I let something as minor as real estate terms slow me down? I realized that to be productive, I just needed to get great at a few things. If I could do these things at the highest level, I could be successful. I became highly proficient at finding deals others couldn’t. And I became adept at finding buyers who have cash and wanted to buy my properties. And those were the only two things that mattered. In fact, those were the only two things I had to know to make my first million. I stopped getting distract- ed by things I sucked at or that didn’t have the most potential to make me more money. In fact, you need only do a couple of things really well to become ubersuccessful. So what should you be doing? Pour your time and energy into high-priority tasks that are absolutely es- sential for success. If your business will live or die based on the team you assemble, dedicate yourself to assembling a dynamite team. If you need to generate x dollars in six months to make your business a “go,” make marketing and selling activities the ONLY THING you focus on. Everything else can be done by oth- ers or ignored until you have time to address those issues. Remember: Productivity is about doing. To get good at these activities, you need to schedule them. How? Here are three things I want you to do right now: • Look at the tasks you need to accomplish in the next two weeks that will build the right momentum. • List the logical order in which they need to be done and set hard deadlines. • Chunk big things down.
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