Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


And please, never try to rationalize your distractions. Never tell yourself that you don’t think you’re making much progress, so you might as well spend an hour on a social media seeing what your friends are doing. This type of thinking will lead you down a negative spiral right out of confidence and back into the life you are trying to get away from. You will never reach your full potential with this type of thinking.


Don’t fall for the lies. In many businesses, one of the big- gest challenges is finding good deals. And people look at the great dealmakers and say, “Well, they’re the lucky ones, and I’m not lucky like them.” When they look at others who have made it, they attribute their success to where they live or who they know or sometimes just plain luck. Or they believe they’ve been successful because they’re smarter. Or they’re convinced that they’ve hit it big because their parents gave them money to get started. The truth is that all of these are lies. You know how you become successful at dealmaking? By making deals! This means you do the work, testing and tweaking your approach until you get it right. Dedicate one hour per day to selling and by the end of 30 days, you’ll be so good that the lies will no longer possess the power to derail you. It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to achieve. To get good at it, dedicate yourself to the task and don’t get distracted. It’s like anything else in your life. It’s one step at a time. You just have to decide to do it. Related to lies are the money barriers—the things that stand between you and making the income you want. They include:

• Lack of a plan • Lack of a skill • Lack of confidence


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