pleasure. As a result, we make decisions that help us move away from pain and toward pleasure. If we’re in pain because we’re poor and can’t afford to send our kids to a good school, we nat- urally want to generate more income so we can afford to send them to the best school—that gives us pleasure. But something stops us from making the transition from pain to pleasure, and that is worry. Worry can stop you in your tracks, and it can keep you stuck for a week, a month, a year, or even longer. It can prevent you from taking a good relationship to the next level or it can keep you trapped in a toxic relationship. It can stop you from leaving a bad job to start a business that you’ve al- ways dreamed about. It can prevent you from telling your parents hard truths, and it can keep you locked into a self-destructive pattern of behavior like drinking, gambling, or doing drugs. The good news is that we don’t have to live with this worry. I can’t tell you how many people have told me that they’d like to follow my suggestions and make more money, but then they add, “I just have so much stress and worry in my life right now. I have to wait for a better time.” No! Again, you don’t have to live with this worry. When I’m teaching and I present my materials for how people can make money from real estate, I know exactly what questions are on people’s minds: What if it doesn’t work? What if I fail? What if I find a deal, but I don’t know how to close it? What if my spouse thinks I’m an idiot for doing something like this? And in many cases these worries go back in time; they are rooted in our child psyches. They may not even be conscious, but when we try to do something ambitious, it triggers an old childhood fear and we get stuck. Let’s say you’re contemplating making a big change in your professional life—you’re thinking of starting a business or switching companies or even switching fields. Imagine what you might worry about as you consider making this change. If there’s a financial risk, you might say to yourself, “If I do this, I may end up going broke, and I’ll lose everything.” If you are considering taking an exercise class, you may think, “I can’t do
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