Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


3. How do you feel when you tell yourself this worry- story? The odds are that as you think about the story behind the worry—how you’re always fretting that you’re going to make a mistake or that others will speak negatively about you—you’ll realize that the worry doesn’t carry as much weight as you thought. 4. How would you feel without this worry? Imagine if you didn’t have to live with your worry-story—what would your life be like? This last question requires some explanation. If any of you are familiar with the Harry Potter movies or books, you may recall that Dumbledore had an instrument that could extract memories from people’s heads for viewing. Think about extract- ing your worry-story and then banishing it from your mind. Or what if you could reverse it? Instead of saying, “I don’t think this can work for me; I’ve tried in the past and failed,” you said, “Yeah, I tried in the past and failed, so I now know what not to do, and this time I will crush it.” You don’t need to worry that the time isn’t right, that the economy has to change, that you need to wait until you receive a loan, that you can’t move forward until you save x number of dollars. You control what you do, not your worry. I get worked up about this subject because I allowed worry to waste years of my life. I worried that I wasn’t smart enough to get to the next level. I have dyslexia, and I didn’t go to college. Who am I to think I can write a book? I remember struggling in reading class, so it’s quite a leap to consider writing a book. Who the hell do I think I am to even contemplate such a venture? I should be grateful to have what I have, right? Wrong. I got rid of the story where I worried about whether I was smart enough. Once I did, the worry was gone, and I was free to write, to excel at public speaking, and to reach the next level.


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