R Industries”—the only factory in our little town. And just like that, my world stopped. Whereas a few months ago I’d felt like somewhat of a big shot for having my name up on a building, I now felt hopeless. The future didn’t seem as bright as it had earlier. Friends were still working construction and thriving in college, and I had just lost what felt like everything. I took as many supplies as I could from the body shop and moved them to an old broken-down barn that was on the prop- erty where I was living. I put in a woodstove for heat and in- stalled the compressor along with my tools and went to work. I remember thinking at the time that I was finished. I was a fraud. Who was I to think I could be a success? The business is done and now so am I! I may as well just give up. Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever felt like the moment you are in or were in was the hardest thing you’ve ever faced and that you would never come out on the other side? Well, did you come out the other side? If not, I’m here today to tell you that you will. Looking back now, I realize that the moment I moved into that shed may have been the lowest part of my entrepreneurial life, but it was the start of me paying the success tax I needed to pay to be where I am today. So let me put success tax in a way that is easy to under- stand. And this is something I truly believe. What if all the crap, all the struggles, and all the BS we go through are actu- ally designed to show us if we are worthy of success? What if, when you go through those trials, you’re actually “paying your success tax”? As silly as it may sound, what if there is a success auditor in the universe that is keeping tabs on all the crap people are facing and rewarding those who face it, learn from it, and come out on the other side? I truly believe that it is those people who grind when no one is watching, who hustle in spite of what others say, who persevere and push on through all the worst of days who are rewarded with the success they desire.
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