The Truest Form of Productivity and Why You Need to Master It
Then what if all your struggles were designed for you, there to show that you are worth the success you crave? What if it all happened exactly the way it was supposed to, and the “Success Auditor” was checking off all the boxes that said, “Hell yes, she deserves success”? I paid my success tax that year. And in many years to follow. I worked hard, I dug deep, I hustled, and I came out as a better version of myself. This could have never happened without those roadblocks along the way. So why don’t you take a step back and look at all the rough parts of your life. And look at them as they really are: nothing more than you paying your success tax. I tell my kids all the time that they have to honor the strug- gle. I believe that is how the world rewards people with success. Right now my daughter is practicing like crazy to be the best pitcher in her softball league. While everyone else is out enjoy- ing summer break, eating unhealthily, not working, my daugh- ter is practicing three days a week to be the best pitcher she possibly can be. What is she doing? She is paying her success tax! Here’s another way to look at this. I want you to take a sec- ond and write down on a piece of paper or on your phone, “I Want Bigger Problems.” “What the heck, Dean! I definitely don’t want bigger prob- lems!” Well give me a minute and let me see if I can change your mind. If I were to give you the choice of having one of the prob- lems below be the biggest problem in your life, which would you choose?
A. I ordered chicken, but the waiter brought out steak. B. My accountant messed up, and my real estate deal only profited $60,000 instead of $70,000.
Which one would you choose? Norman Vincent Peale said the following about problems: “Problems constitute a sign of life. The more problems you have, the more alive you are.”
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