Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


If your biggest problem in life is that your server brought you the wrong meal or that someone cut you off in traffic, then you aren’t pushing yourself to the point of becoming the best you possible! If my server brought me the wrong meal, I would simply say thank you and smile. I know this is a silly example, but it’s a serious point. I want to encourage you to desire an up- grade in your problems. The bigger your problems are, the more risks you are taking, the more you are thriving, and the bigger results you are getting for you and your family. If your true desire is to reach the best version of you, then you have to want bigger problems. Now I’m not saying to go out and cause problems. I’m simply saying that when you start to upgrade your life, upgrade your risk-taking, and upgrade your business, health, wealth, et cetera, you have to expect—and actively desire—an upgrade in problems. Spin it and throw a positive message behind it! “I am go- ing to pay my success tax and take on any problem this world throws at me no matter how big!” You should write that down somewhere! Put in your journal or on your phone and look at it every day! Make it your new mantra! And instead of feeling defeated when things aren’t going your way, look to the sky and say, “Oh, I see what you’re doing, Mr. Auditor! I am going to pay this success tax, and I am going to thrive!” Because when we choose to consciously stop self-suf- fering, we are able to experience life the way it was meant to be. And how long does Tony Robbins say it takes to make a decision or to make a change? An instant! So decide right this instant that you are going to stop viewing your downfalls as the lowest part of your life and start viewing them as the success tax you have to pay to enter the land of true potential. When you start to look at the events in your life in this way, you will experience a level of freedom and release like never be- fore. It can feel as though 100 pounds have been lifted off your shoulders and you can finally unleash your true self.


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