Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


I believe that we reach our full potential and the level of life we desire by taking in information and gaining knowledge through experience, failure, and success. We evolve exponen- tially when we take action in the world, and all that knowledge and information becomes deeply embedded wisdom and gut in- stinct. At the start of this book, I dedicated it to my dear friends Tony Robbins and Dan Sullivan, because of the positive impact and shortcuts to success they have given me. But I also appre- ciate them for their journey, for their bravery of taking that knowledge, discovering the wisdom behind all of it, and then selflessly sharing it with the world. I’ve learned from great teachers like them, as well as Dale Carnegie, Earl Nightingale, and Napoleon Hill. To that list I would add Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Michael Singer, Brendon Burchard, David Bach—I could add many more names, but there isn’t space enough to include all of them. Their transformative words, once absorbed into your very soul, make it difficult to determine where their ideas end and yours start. As I wrote this book, as I wrote certain sections, I asked the question, Where did this come from? Did I discover this through my own trial and error, through my failures, through my own success, or did I adopt it from others who’ve trod that path before me? And at the end of the day, you realize that’s what true deliv- erers of wisdom want. They’re delivering you the road map to allow you to go faster once you integrate them in your own life. And I want that same for you. I did my absolute best throughout the book to share when I knew for sure where a given piece of


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