NOTE: Page references in italics refer to figures.
Avatar, of heroic persona, 101–102
A Abrams, Creighton, Jr., 110 Abundance (Diamandis), 135 Accessibility, 243 Accountability, 83–84 ADD, as “Ferrari brain,” 44–46 Advice, detrimental, 49–52 After-sale relationship, 147–164 “camping out” in people’s minds for, 153–156 managing people’s feelings with, 147–151 relationships vs. transactions, 160–161 resist assumptions for, 161–164 showing reciprocity for, 156–159 understanding people for, 151–153, 159 Assessment, for setting goals, 15–16 Assumptions, 161–164, 191–192 Attraction and persuasion, 123–145. See also After-sale relationship for marketing and sales, 126–127 as money compounder, 123–126 power of passion for, 144–145 resisting overselling, 142–143 scarcity mind-set as inner villain, 135–136 selling people what they want, 136–138
B “Bad wolf” analogy, 36–37 Be a Real Estate Millionaire (Graziosi), 161 Better Life Challenge (exercise), 212–214 Better Life Challenge, 212–214 Book Resources, 52 Cool About You exercise, 99–100 D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation exer- cise, 113–115 Get Amazing form, 46 Magic List exercise, 108–112 Negative Story exercise, 73 Seven Levels Deep exercise, 22–33, 32 , 226–227 30-day challenge, 64 Trigger Words cheat sheet, 60–61 Two Pics blueprint, 100–102 U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle exer- cise, 115–118 Bezoni, Josh, 195–199 Binary thinking, 222–223, 226 BioTrust Nutrition, 197 Book Resources, 52. See also Bouncing back (from setbacks), 188 Branson, Richard, 77, 149–150 Buffett, Warren, 108 Burchard, Brendon, 25, 183
storytelling for, 138–142 transparency and trust for, 132–134 understanding people and, 127–130, 134 unfair deal closers, 131–132
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