Return on investment perspective, 116 Rewards, for meeting goals, 118–119 Risk, taking, 49–52, 74 Robbins, Tony, 25, 59–60, 77, 81, 103–104, 175, 211, 231 Rossi, Richard, 94 S Sabotage, unintentional, 50 Sales. See After-sale relationship; Attraction and persuasion Savings, 184–185 Scarcity mind-set, 135–136 Scheduling, 230–231 Self-appreciation, 120–122 Self-doubt, 35–36 Selfishness (Productivity Habit #4), 241–244 “Sell people what they want, and give them what they need,” 137. See also Attraction and persuasion Setbacks, bouncing back from, 188 Seven Levels Deep (exercise) completing, 31–33, 32
Present, living for, 169–171 Prioritization, 107–122. See also Success hacks deal making and prioritiza- tion (Productivity Habit #5), 244–248 D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation exer- cise, 113–115 Gap recognition for, 118–122 Magic List exercise, 108–112 overcoming fear for, 112–113 prioritizing time, 237–241 saying “no” and, 107–108, 245 time and prioritization (Productiv- ity Habit #3), 232–235 ( See also Productivity) U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle exer- cise, 115–118 Proactive planning, 234–235, 240–241 Problems, as good sign, 251–252 Problem solving, for others, 127–130 Productivity, 217–254 achievement of, 217 binary thinking for, 222–223, 226 climbing vs. sliding (Productivity Habit #1), 224–228 control (Productivity Habit #2), 228–232 deal making and prioritiza- tion (Productivity Habit #5), 244–248 finding time and, 219–222 prioritizing time for, 237–241 selfishness (Productivity Habit #4), 241–244 success tax (Productivity Habit #6), 249–252 time and prioritization (Productiv- ity Habit #3), 232–235 R Random Act of Kindness (Better Life Challenge), 213 Rationalization, 78–79 Real estate, prioritizing tasks for, 238–239 Reciprocity, 156–159 RehabTime, 173–174 Relationship building. See After-sale relationship
example, 29–31 explained, 22–27 for productivity, 226–227 for understanding motivation, 27–29
Shelton, Trent, 173–174, 221 Shining goal. See Prioritization Shortcomings, overcoming, 77–78 Smiling, 56–58, 186–187 Social media, time spent on, 242–243
Solutions, finding, 93, 188 Spiritual connection, 180
Stephenson, Sean, 98 Stinson, Carol, 89–91 Storytelling, 67–84
aligning with vision, 67–68 for attraction and persuasion, 138–142 comparing new to old stories, 79–80, 83–84 Conversation with God exercise, 78–79
identifying, 72–75 impact on, 76–77
improving narrative of, 80–81 overcoming shortcomings of, 77–78 pattern disruption for, 68–72
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