Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


I was like, “Okay, amazing! Give it to me—let me have it!” Then Joe said, “Sorry, Dean, but no. I want to put you through the full experience first.” “Joe, come on, man. I want to get there quick. I’m a fast learner. I want this seven levels deep thing, and I want to give it to my students and my readers ASAP.” Then, even more persistently, he said, “Nope, the only way you’re going to get it is if you go through it.” I finally gave in and said, “Fine.” Now, as you read the next few paragraphs, I want you to picture yourself doing this exercise with someone else. Whether with a spouse, a colleague, or a friend, imagine doing this exer- cise together. As you’ll see, when Joe asked a question, the answer I gave him would be the basis for the next question, and we would repeat this seven more times. For example, if he asked, “Why do you want me here,” and I answered, “I want to learn how to help my students,” he would then ask, “Why do you want to help your students?” This exercise is called “seven levels deep,” because you move progressively deeper into answers by asking “why” questions seven times. I’m not sure why seven is the magical number that gets you where you need to go, but it is always the right number. Joe sat down in front of me with a piece of paper—he was right in my face. He said, “I asked you why you wanted me here earlier, and you basically said because you want to get your cli- ents, your readers, and your customers more engaged so you can help change their lives for the better, even more than you have. I think that’s a great answer, Dean. Very noble! Now let me ask you this: Why is it important to you to get more of your students engaged, to understand more, to overcome obstacles, to take ac- tion, and to see that next level of life?” I remember thinking about it for a second before answering, “Because so many people get stuck in the routine of mediocri- ty, and I know I’m giving them good strategies, but not all are using them. I don’t want to be the sales or infomercial guy who just sold them a book. I want to be the person who opened their


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