clarity why they’re sitting in the audience—what the deeper rea- sons are for attending my presentation. When you finish the exercise, you will realize why you’re reading this book, why you desire more, and why you want to unlock your true potential. To make this exercise easier to complete and to gain more clarity on how it works, go to right now and grab the “7 Levels” exercise sheet by clicking the “Book Re- sources” tab. Also, I have filled out and completed my own seven levels exercise sheet below to give you an even better snapshot of how this exercise will play out when you complete it! Note the natural evolution, especially the evolution from head-thinking to heart and soul sharing.
The Seven Levels Deep Exercise
To change a million lives by helping them see a better path and better habits to success.
Why did you write this book, Dean?
Why do you want to change a million lives?
Because it feels amazing to serve and help others.
Why does it feel amazing to serve and help others?
It allows for an even more suc- cessful business based on solid principles and values.
Why is it important for you to have a business based on principles and values?
I want to leave a legacy my family will be proud of.
Why is it important for you to leave a legacy for your family?
I never want to go backward, and I hated being broke as a kid.
Why do you never want to go backward?
I want my kids to have choices as they grow up.
Why is it important for your kids to have choices you never had?
Because I want to be in control. I want to live life on my terms and be free to do as I choose.
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