The Villain Within
sees things glass-half-full. And grandson, this wolf, the powerful wolf, can take you to so many amazing places.” Then the grandson looks at his grandmother and says, “Well, which wolf wins the battle, Grandma?” She replies, “The one you feed, grandson. The one you feed.” I love this story because it is applicable to all our lives. We all have the bad wolf, or the villain, as I call it, living inside us, but we also have this hero just waiting to be released. Here, I’ll help you learn how to expose the villain hiding inside you, discover how it got there, and proceed to destroy it. Because in so many cases, once it’s gone, you can’t even begin to imagine how much more you will be able to accomplish in your professional and personal life. THE VILLAIN IS A PARASITE A few years back, a man went to a third-world country in South America to volunteer for a worthy cause, helping those in need. After his emotional journey, he arrived back in the States filled with gratitude and ready to kick his own life into high gear. But shortly after the trip he started feeling sluggish and a bit weak and sick. He was in his 50s, and he simply as- sumed the cause was aging, and it was something he just need- ed to start accepting. Over the next few weeks he stopped do- ing certain activities that he loved. He stopped playing with his recreational basketball team and being active in the com- munity, and he started to try to process the new thoughts of an aging man. What he didn’t realize is that when he was in the jungles of South America helping out families in need, he was infect- ed with a dangerous parasite. And from that moment on, this parasite had been living inside him, feeding off him. Every minute of every day it was robbing him of nutrients, sapping his energy, and diminishing his quality of life. He simply had no idea something was living inside him, holding him back from his full potential. However, he eventually went to the
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