He answered, “Dean, I have to tell you, I’m so unorganized and sloppy, you have no idea. I can clean my car, and a week later it’s a disaster. My home office has invoices and papers and clutter all over the place. I’m just so sloppy! Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m not doing another real estate deal until I go to OfficeMax and get a filing cabinet and a filing system. I’m going to label everything, and I’m going to create a system to be organized.” When he finished, I asked, “Are you done, Tom?” He said, “Yep, that’s it.” Then I responded with this: “Let me just be frank with you, Tom. It’s too late—you’re going to be sloppy and disorganized ’til the day you die, and who cares?” He was shocked that I had dismissed his admitted weakness. He sat in motionless silence. I think the others may have thought I was being rude. But after a few moments passed so slowly they seemed like hours, I watched a thousand pounds and 60 years fall from Tom’s shoulders. For a second I thought he was going to break down and cry. I said, “Tom, not that long ago you had never done real estate in your life. You had a completely different job, and now you’ve done four deals. You’re amazing at finding a deal other people can’t, getting it rehabbed, and getting it sold for a profit. Go spend all your time getting even better at that. Who cares that you’re not that organized? What if you did one extra deal a year and then paid somebody part-time to organize for you? You’d never have to worry about being disorganized ever again.” Tom remained silent, the hamster wheel spinning in his head. I think he most likely was reminiscing about a teacher, a parent, or maybe a spouse saying, “You’re sloppy. You better learn to get organized!” He had all those years of bad advice sit- ting there, and then I watched them just melt away as he shifted his focus from weakness to strength. And you can do exactly the same thing. What weaknesses are holding you back? What have people told you that you need to work on? What false beliefs do you have about yourself because of a so-called weakness? For the next level of success in your life, answer these questions, make going from good to
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